The Rome Faculty Working Group at the University of Pennsylvania presents a discussion of architecture and landscape architecture by three leaders in the field: Craig Dykers, Managing Director and Partner, Snøhetta; Mary Margaret Jones, Senior Principal, Hargreaves Associates; and Elaine Molinar, Managing Director and Partner, Snøhetta.

The Rome Faculty Working Group in the School of Arts and Sciences at Penn, in parternship with the Office of the Dean at PennDesign, presents a discussion of architecture and landscape architecture by three leaders in the field. In this 90-minute forum, they focus on the ways in which Rome as city and concept has influenced their work over time. Introduced by PennDesign Dean and Paley Professor Fritz Steiner.


Mary Margaret Jones, Senior Principal, Hargreaves Associates: “Large Landscapes and Their Axes”
Craig Dykers, Managing Director and Partner, Snøhetta: “Real and Unvreal Visits to Rome” 
Elaine Molinar, Managing Director and Partner, Snøhetta: “Two months in Rome, or, how I re-discovered my hands”

Organized by: C. Brian Rose, James B. Pritchard Professor of Mediterranean Archeology, and Peter C. Ferry Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section, Penn Museum; and Joe Farrell, Mark K. and Esther W. Watkins Professor in the Humanities.

Penn Museum, Rainey Auditorium, 3260 South Street, Philadelphia
Admission is free and open to the public.